Ecuador News Today. Read the news today written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspaper of Ecuador.

Hoy – Ecuador News Today

El Mercurio

El Comercio

The paper was founded on January 1, 1906 in Quito, by Celiano Monge and brothers César Mantilla Jácome and Carlos Mantilla Jácome. The paper has remained in the Mantilla family, and currently, the President and publisher of the paper is Carlos Mantilla Battle.
The main sections and supplements are Politics, Opinion in Ecuador stories Today, Law, Business, Sports, Quito today.
Especially in Quito, World Today, Society, Culture, Family, Education, Blogs, among others.

El Universo – Ecuador News Today

They have published the paper since its foundation, with only minor interruptions during the dictatorship. The founder was Ismael Pérez Pazmiño. El Universo is a member of Asociación Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos (AEDEP), Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) and the World Association of Newspapers (WAN).
News in Ecuador Today
Ecuador News Today – World News Today