Guinea News Today

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Guinea News Today
Guinéenews© ( formerly, eponymous of its founder Boubacar Caba Bah, is an electronic news daily run by Guineans available on the web. Guineanews© is a publication of the CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE IN AFRICA.
Guinéenews© is mainly interested in news and information concerning the Republic of Guinea. It also covers African and international issues.
It is an information organ whose objective is to provide reliable and verifiable information on the Republic of Guinea for dissemination on the Internet since 1997. It is one of the most appreciated sites in Africa and in the World. Around 45,000 to 65,000 visitors regularly consult Guineanews© per day. These statistics are increasing day by day thanks to its diversified network of journalists and its professionalism in the processing and dissemination of information. Visitors to the site include researchers, political decision-makers, associations working for democracy, good governance and human rights organizations, etc.
Guineanews© plays a crucial role in the real-time dissemination of reliable, verifiable and impartial information without bias on the Republic of Guinea, which until recently did not have independent electronic media. From 1997-2006, for example, he was the only counterweight in a country where there was no private radio or television.
The Guineanews© daily has volunteer correspondents accredited in most major cities of the world, namely: Paris, London, Berlin, Geneva, Brussels, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Gatineau, Washington, Los Angeles, New York, Conakry, Ouagadougou, Dakar, Rabat, Tunis, etc.
It has a local office in Conakry whose activities are coordinated by an office manager, where more than a dozen journalists are hired. With their tireless efforts, Guineanews© has established itself as a leader in the dissemination of real-time online information on the Republic of Guinea.

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