Jordan News Today

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Jordan News Today. Read the latest Jordanian news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Jordan.


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Press Agency

Al Ra’i

Al Ra’i
Major Arabic-language newspaper. Al Ra’i, also spelled Alrai, is an Arabic daily newspaper in Jordan. The Jordan Press Foundation, owner of the Al Rai, is government-owned.
The newspaper is composed of five sections:
Mahalleyyat (Local news)
Arabs and the World: Section for international news.
Literature and Arts
The editors-in-chief of Al Ra’i are appointed by the Jordanian government.

Jordan Times

Jordan Times
English-language daily newspaper published in Amman, Jordan. The newspaper was founded in 1975 and owned by the Jordan Press Foundation. The newspaper includes two main sections:
News: Covers local, regional, and world news, and includes subsections on business and sports.
Opinions: Features opinion commentary and analysis by Jordanian, Arab, and international writers.
The paper’s website was the 31st most visited website in the Arab world in 2013

Ad Dustour

Ad Dustour
Leading Arabic-language newspaper published in Jordan. The newspaper was established in 1967. The newspaper owned by the Jordan Press & Publishing Company. Ad-Dustour is an Arabic daily newspaper published in Jordan. Its headquarters is in Amman, Jordan.
The daily contains four or five sections:
First Section: for headline and domestic news.
Second Section: for international news, business and economy.
Addustour Alriyadi: for international and domestic sport news.
Doroob: for miscellaneous news related to health and living styles.
The Cultural Section: This section appears every Friday and contains domestic, regional, and international cultural events.
Al-Shabab: This section is published every Wednesday, and daily during major sport competitions such as FIFA World Cup. It covers weekly domestic, and international youth events.
Amman based daily newspaper. The newspaper was founded in 2003 and published in Arabic-language.
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