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Harian Metro

The change in the demographics of urbanites resulted in a growing audience of young people who were looking for entertainment, shopping news, lifestyle features and current news. Harian Metro set out to meet those needs.
On 17 July 2006, the newspaper underwent a layout revamp to remain fresh and relevant for its readers. New pullouts were introduced, such as “Rap” and “Variasi”.
On 11 April 2009, Harian Metro increased its cover price with introduction of new pullouts such as “GIGS” and “EKSTRA”.
Harian Metro’s rise has steadily gained momentum over the past few years. For 2011, Harian Metro remained the No. 1 daily Bahasa Melayu newspaper for the fifth time as declared by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. However, it later lost the status to its rival, Mingguan Malaysia [ms], in the second quarter of 2013, largely due to increased availability of internet news sources and subsequent growth in their audience.

The Daily Express

The New Straits Times

Edge Media Group