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Peru News Today

Peru News Today. Read the latest Peruvian news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Peru.

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World and National News in Peru - Perú.21
Perú.21 is a Peruvian newspaper based in Lima
The Latest World and National News in Peru
The Latest World and National NewPeru - Correo
Correo circulated in Lima only until the early 1980s, but continued to be published in local editions in some cities in the interior of Peru. After the fall of Alberto Fujimori’s regime in 2000, it returned to circulation in Lima and soon after substantially increased the number of its local editions in the provinces. According to CPI surveys, Correo ranks third of readers nationwide. Enter the digital version of the newspaper to read the news you are interested in everyday.
The Latest World and National News in Peru
The Latest World and National News in Peru - El Peruano
Diario Oficial El Peruano (The Peruvian Official Newspaper) is the official daily newspaper of Peru. Simón Bolívar found the paper on 22 October 1825, although it changed names over the following decades and it was not published continuously since its inception. Besides carrying news, all laws passed in Peru must be published by El Peruano.
It is published by the Peruvian Company of Editorial Services SA – Editora Peru (Empresa Peruana de Servicios Editoriales SA – EDITORA PERÚ), a state enterprise under private law. The company was created as part of the national information system (Sistema Nacional de Información) established by Decreto Ley No. 20550 of 5 March 1974. This law included the various collective state media under a unified management, the majority of which returned to private ownership following the departure of the military regime from power.
The Latest World and National News in Peru
The Latest World and National News in Peru - Gestión
Ingrese a la versión digital de Gestión. Diario de Economía y Negocios del Perú.
The Latest World and National News in Peru
The Latest World and National News in Peru - El Bocón
Enter the digital version of El Bocón. Peruvian sports newspaper.
The Latest World and National News in Peru
World and National News in Peru - El Mercurio
Enter to the digital version of El Mercurio. Newspaper of the Region of Cajamarca – Peru

The Latest World and National News in Peru – World News Today

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