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DN.SE STHLM – Sweden News Today

Dagens Nyheter was founded by Rudolf Wall in December 1864.
The first issue was published on 23 December 1864. During its initial period the paper was published in the morning.
The newspaper is owned by the Bonnier Group since 1909, when Karl Otto Bonnier acquired the remaining shares that his family had not owned (his father Albert had already acquired some shares since 1888). Opinion leaders often choose Dagens Nyheter as the venue for publishing major opinion editorials. The stated position of the editorial page is “independently liberal”.

Svenska Dagbladet

The first issue of Svenska Dagbladet appeared on 18 December 1884.
The paper is published in Stockholm and provides coverage of national and international news as well as local coverage of the Greater Stockholm region. Its subscribers are concentrated in the capital, but it is distributed in most of Sweden. The paper was one of the critics of the Prime Minister Olof Palme, and in December 1984 it asked him to resign from the office following his interview published in Hufvudstadsbladet.
Since 1925 Svenska Dagbladet has awarded an individual sportsperson or a team the Svenska Dagbladet Gold Medal at the end of each year.
As the only other Swedish morning newspaper to aspire to full national and international coverage, Svenska Dagbladet is the chief rival of Dagens Nyheter.