Yemen News Today

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Yemen News Today. Latest Regional and World News in Yemen. Read the latest news, written by regional journalist, watch interesting editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Yemen.


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Yemen News Today

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The Yemen Post

Yemen News Today
The Yemen Post was a newspaper in Yemen published from 2007 and now defunct. It was also Yemen’s first hourly updated online news service with reporters spread throughout the country. The Yemen Post hard copy version was distributed mostly in Yemen and was first launched in a newspaper format on 2 November 2007. The newspaper is distributed to over 2000 government institutions, embassies, organizations, businesses throughout Yemen. Along with the foreign distribution to neighboring countries, the Yemen Post is also distributed to some communities within Europe and the United States. The format of the newspaper was changed to a full-colored, top of the art tabloid format on 16 February 2009.
The Yemen Post still functions but reports it has been blocked in Yemen. It relocated to Twitter and its account was last active in 2019.

Yemen Times – Yemen News Today

Yemen News Today
Yemen Times. Yemen’s first English language newspaper is coming back. It was suspended since April 2015 because of the conflict but now the YT family is working with an amazing team to bring the newspaper back to life in a digital format.
With its legacy as Yemen’s most credible independent source of information in English, we are excited to share this news with you. Yemen needs the Yemen Times now more than ever, and the Yemen Times needs you.
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