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Online Newspapers
An online newspaper, digital paper, online diary or digital journal is the edition of a newspaper that uses the Internet for its dissemination.
The frequency with which it is renewed can vary, but it is common for it to be updated several times a day to reflect current events.
Digital journalism has enormous possibilities for journalistic work. Its strength lies in three fundamental actors: multimedia, hypermedia and interactivity.
Among all the others, this new journalism is the only one able to take advantage of the enormous possibilities offered by these actors.
In the first place, hypermobility gives it the capacity to establish in its contents ample depth and narrative richness through the systematic organization of multimedia elements (texts, images, videos, sounds, and animations).
Second, interactivity opens up the possibility of giving its audiences greater power in the selection of content and in the possibilities of expression and communication, thus generating greater participation and trust in them.
Third, but no less important, the multimedia provide digital journalism with a wider sensorial language, capable of integrating in a polyphonic way diverse elements or communicative codes, such as texts, images, videos, sounds, and animations.
It is a language with a communicative plasticity impossible to achieve in traditional media, such as radio, television, or papers.
On this blurred horizon, there are still those who are confident that journalism, in either, can never cease to be what it always was.
Sticking to the facts, not confusing opinion with information, respecting others, verifying and contrasting data, writing under spelling rules, as well as researching thoroughly are fundamental elements that have been and still are the fundamental sources of all good journalists and all good journalism.
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