Bulgaria News Today

Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria​. Read the latest Bulgarian news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Bulgaria.

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Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria Newspaper 24 Chasa
The newspaper, part of the 168 Chasa (168 Hours) Press Group founded by Petyo Blaskov, was launched in 1990, a few months after the success of the 168 Hours weekly newspaper. The well-designed tabloid format and the colloquial, somewhat derisive, writing style of 24 Chasa quickly gained wide popularity. Along with briefly presented news, the daily offers much entertaining reading and some quite insightful analyses.
Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria - Newspaper Capital
Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria. Capital (Bulgarian: Капитал) is the most influential weekly newspaper and one of the most popular media brands in Bulgaria. Its mission is not only to report and describe what happens but also to explain why it happens and to predict what is to come. Ever since its founding day, the newspaper has championed quality journalism, ethical values and responsibility towards readers. Capital wins confidence with its principled and consistent editorial policy and adequate coverage of domestic and global developments. Its readership consists of economically active people with university degrees, most of them specialized professionals, business owners or corporate partners. The first issue of Capital was put out in 1993 by a group of ten people with clear ideas and goals. The team was determined to become “the dog that bites” and to defend the interests of taxpayers. A redesign in 2006 has left the main body of the newspaper structured into four parts. The idea behind the new layout is to address readers’ interests more fully. The content is also changed–in the direction of more in-depth writing, more useful information and hot topics, and a clearer stand. Various business-to-business events are organized under the Capital brand. Known for its opinions, the weekly has become an institution in Bulgaria’s contemporary history. From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_(newspaper)
Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria - Newspaper Flag of the labour
The first example of the newspaper came on 1 March 1936 and it is the first weekly newspaper in Bulgaria. It delieverd only in the big towns Sofia,Plovdiv,Varna in the first year.From 20th October 1944 the name of the newspaper is changed to “”Flag of the labour””.

Latest World and Local News in Bulgaria – World News Today

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