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According to the owners, the 2017 closure was the result of a dispute with the Cambodian government over a US$6.3 million tax bill, which was disputed by the newspaper’s ownership as politically motivated. The newspaper ceased its daily print newspaper, but still maintains a small online presence, and is no longer located in Cambodia.
In 2017, the Cambodian government ordered ISP’s to block The Cambodia Daily’s website from within Cambodia.

It has a staff of Cambodian and foreign journalists covering national news. The newspaper includes specific business, lifestyle and sports sections, and also prints a “Police Blotter”, which has items related to crime translated from local Khmer-language dailies.
Since its founding in Phnom Penh in July 1992, the printed edition was published on a fortnightly basis. In early 2008, the newspaper received investment from some Australians and became a daily publication on August 8, 2008.
In May 2018 the newspaper was purchased by Malaysian businessman Sivakumar Ganapthy, who also owns a public relations firm known to have worked on behalf of the Cambodian government, prompting several senior writers to leave its newsroom. Describing the sale of the paper, one official for Amnesty International said, “We have witnessed the crumbling of Cambodia’s media freedom.” In response to criticism of the sale, Huy Vannak, acting as undersecretary of the Cambodian Interior Ministry, said, “It is a normal business, and it remains a newspaper.”

Withdrawn from circulation