Finland News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Finland
Taloussanomat was first published on 18 November 1997. The final printed number (the 2537th) was published on 28 December 2007 when it went online-only. It has its headquarters in Helsinki. Taloussanomat is owned by Sanoma, owner of Helsingin Sanomat. In 2010 it was the thirteenth most visited website in Finland in 2010 and was visited by 643,954 people per week.Helsingin Sanomat , abbreviated HS and colloquially known as Hesari, is the largest subscription newspaper in Finland and the Nordic countries, owned by Sanoma. Except after certain holidays, it is published daily. Its name derives from that of the Finnish capital, Helsinki, where it is published. It is considered a newspaper of record for Finland.Iltalehti was established in 1980 as an afternoon edition of newspaper Uusi Suomi. Alma Media is the owner of Iltalehti, which is based in Helsinki. Its sister newspapers are Aamulehti and Kauppalehti. Iltalehti is published in tabloid format six times per week.Hufvudstadsbladet (abbr. Hbl) is the highest-circulation Swedish-language newspaper in Finland. Its headquarters are located in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The name of the newspaper translates approximately into “Journal of the Capital”, hufvudstad (modern spelling huvudstad) being the 19th-century Swedish spelling for capital. The newspaper is informally also called Husis or Höblan.Aamulehti was founded in 1881to “improve the position of the Finnish people and the Finnish language” during Russia’s rule over Finland. The founders were nationalistic Finns in Tampere. Since 2006 Aamulehti has published four weekly supplements — Moro (meaning “Hi”, in the dialect of the Tampere region, and devoted to the culture of Tampere), on Thursdays; the entertainment-centred Valo (“Light”), published on Fridays; Asiat (“Matters”), on Sundays; and Ihmiset (“People”), also on Sundays. The paper covers journalism innovation at least once a month.Latest World and Local News in Finland. Kaleva is a Finnish subscription newspaper published in Oulu, Finland.Ilta-Sanomat (Finnish for ‘the evening news’) is one of Finland’s two prominent tabloid size evening newspaper and the second largest paper in the country. Its counterpart and biggest rival is Iltalehti. According to the National Media Research done in 2019 Ilta-Sanomat is also the biggest digital media in Finland and reaches about 2,5 million Finns.Turun Sanomat is the leading regional newspaper in the region of Southwest Finland. It is published in the region’s capital, Turku, making it the third most widely read a morning newspaper in Finland after Helsingin Sanomat and Aamulehti.Kauppalehti was established by the Finnish Businessmen’s Association in 1898. Since 1919 the paper is published five or six times per week.
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