Israel News Today

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Israel News Today. Read the latest Israeli news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Israel.


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Press Agency

Yedioth Ahronoth

Yedioth Ahronoth is the most widely circulated paper in Israel. Yedioth Ahronoth was established in the late 1930s by an investor named Nachum Kumarov. It was the first evening paper in the British Mandate of Palestine and attempted to emulate the format of the London Evening Standard

Israel HaYom

Israel HaYom is an Israeli national Hebrew-language free daily newspaper first published on July 30, 2007 and currently published in tabloid format. The name is a variation of the popular USA Today, though there is no relation between the two publications. It has the large daily circulation in Israel


Maariv is a Hebrew language daily newspaper published in Israel. It is second in sales after Yedioth Ahronoth and third in readership after Yedioth Ahronoth and Israel HaYom. Apart from the daily newspaper and its supplements, the Maariv media group (Ma’ariv Holdings Ltd) has a chain of local newspapers with a national scale distribution, a magazines division, and a semi-independent website called NRG, which includes much of the print content. The company’s shares are listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange since 1990


Haaretz is Israel’s oldest daily newspaper. It was founded in 1918 and is now published in both Hebrew and English in Berliner format. The English edition is published and sold together with the International Herald Tribune. Both Hebrew and English editions can be read on the Internet. In North America, it comes out as a weekly newspaper, combining articles from the Friday edition with a roundup from the rest of the week. It is known for its staunch left-liberal stance on domestic and foreign issues.


Vesty is an Israeli Russian-language daily newspaper. Based in Tel Aviv, the paper is Israel’s most widely read Russian-language paper and its only remaining daily paper in Russian. The paper was started in 1992 by Yedioth Ahronoth Group, which remains its owner. It was very widely read in the 1990s, but its sales have slumped more recently. The paper is politically right-wing.

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