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THE RIVIERA TIMES – Monaco News Today



The WHO/Europe Small Countries Initiative is a network of 11 European countries with 2 million or less inhabitants: Andorra, Cyprus, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino and Slovenia.

The Small countries initiative is a laboratory for innovation. Since its start in 2014, the small country initiative is the place where small countries come together to find solutions to health-related needs and vulnerabilities.

Today the small countries face new challenges – such as the response and recovery from COVID-19.

The objectives of the Initiative are to:

  • place health and well-being high on the key political agendas of small countries;
  • advocate the needs of small countries at the regional and international levels;
  • promote investment for health and well-being, leaving no one behind;
  • build a solutions platform for better population health and resilient health systems;
  • measure progresses.

This requires even stronger action – under the umbrella of the WHO European Programme of Work:

  • to protect people better against health emergencies, such as COVID19 
  • to strengthen health systems towards achievement of universal health coverage
  • to ensure healthy lives and well-being for people of all ages.

The Secretariat is housed at the WHO European Centre for Investment for Health and Development in Venice, Italy.

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