Myanmar News Today

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Myanmar News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalists, watch interesting editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Myanmar.


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NUGMyanmar is the Official Government Information and Services Website for National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Myanmar Gazette. The Myanmar Gazette is a San Gabriel Valley-based Burmese language newspaper intended for overseas Burmese, with a primary focus on Burmese related news in the United States and Canada. The monthly paper has a total circulation of 12,000, and is distributed at major cities across the US and Canada with sizable Burmese populations. The paper’s secondary target audience includes overseas Burmese in Asia, mainly Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan.
The typical coverage of the paper is a mix of Burmese American community news, Burmese celebrity interviews, and US and world news. The paper, usually 28 to 32 pages long, devoted a considerable number of pages to Cyclone Nargis coverage. The freely distributed paper also contains a number of Burmese American advertisements. The paper uses the tabloid format. The paper was founded in 2006 by two Los Angeles-based Burmese-Americans, Thakhin Kai Bwor and Maung Maung Kyi . The paper’s mission purportedly is to “promote networking amongst Burmese Americans towards a more civic-minded community”. The first issue was published in July 2006. The company has established scholarships for local students and actively pursues its mission of improving literacy and education in local youth.

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