Slovakia News Today

Slovakia News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Slovakia.

SME is one of the most widely read mainstream broadsheets in Slovakia. Their website,, is one of the most visited Internet portals in Slovakia SME was founded in mid-January 1993. SME appears 6 times a week. It is issued by Petit Press. Its target group is very wide, but officially it focuses on readers in bigger cities and agglomerations. In 2014, the Namav, a subject subvenced by the Penta Investments group, announced the purchase of Petit Press, the publisher of the newspaper. In reaction, a major part of the editorial board, including the editor-in-chief, announced their resignation. “We are leaving SME and we will try to create a new medium that no one will suspect that it serves someone other than the readers”, stated Matúš Kostolný, the departing editor-in-chief. In the beginning of 2015, the departed board members started a new newspaper, Denník N. From Wikipedia
SPORT COVER. As of 2019 there were 8 daily newspapers in Slovakia
CAS COVER. Nový Čas was founded in 1990 after the Velvet Revolution , initially as a rough copy of the Austrian Kronen Zeitung. The newspaper is owned and published by Ringier Slovakia a.s., a Swiss company. The former owner of the paper was Gruner + Jahr. Its content is gutter press. The widely read supplement “Nový Čas víkend” is added on Saturdays. In 2006 a Sunday version of Nový Čas was introduced: Nový Čas Nedeľa (New Time Sunday). Headquarters: Bratislava, Slovakia, Type Daily newspaper, Format: Tabloid. Language Slovak

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