Finland News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Finland

Taloussanomat is owned by Sanoma, owner of Helsingin Sanomat. In 2010 it was the thirteenth most visited website in Finland in 2010 and was visited by 643,954 people per week.

Since 2006 Aamulehti has published four weekly supplements — Moro (meaning “Hi”, in the dialect of the Tampere region, and devoted to the culture of Tampere), on Thursdays; the entertainment-centred Valo (“Light”), published on Fridays; Asiat (“Matters”), on Sundays; and Ihmiset (“People”), also on Sundays. The paper covers journalism innovation at least once a month.

According to the National Media Research done in 2019 Ilta-Sanomat is also the biggest digital media in Finland and reaches about 2,5 million Finns.

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