Mauritania News Today

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Latest Local and World News in Mauritania - IRIN News
Who we are
The New Humanitarian (formerly IRIN News) was founded by the United Nations in 1995, in the wake of the Rwandan genocide, out of the conviction that objective on-the-ground reporting of humanitarian crises could help mitigate or even prevent future disasters of that magnitude.
Almost twenty years later, we became an independent non-profit news organisation, allowing us to cast a more critical eye over the multibillion-dollar emergency aid industry and draw attention to its failures at a time of unprecedented humanitarian need. As digital disinformation went global, and mainstream media retreated from many international crisis zones, our field-based, high-quality journalism filled even more of a gap. Today, we are one of only a handful of newsrooms world-wide specialised in covering crises and disasters – and in holding the aid industry accountable.
Latest Local and World News in Mauritania - Sahara Media
Sahara Media
Latest Local and World News in Mauritania - Le Calame
Le Calame. Weekly newspaper includes articles about sports, business, jobs, entertainment, real estate, neighborhoods, and more.
Latest Local and World News in Mauritania - Al Akhbar
Al Akhbar

Latest Local and World News in Mauritania – Mauritania News Today

Mauritania, officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country in Northwest Africa.

It is the twenty-eighth largest country or dependency in the world, the eleventh largest sovereign state in Africa and the largest country lying entirely below an altitude of 1,000 metres.

Mauritania lies in the western region of the continent of Africa, and is generally flat, its 1,030,700 square kilometres forming vast, arid plains broken by occasional ridges and clifflike outcroppings.

It borders the North Atlantic Ocean, between Senegal and Western Sahara, Mali and Algeria.[69] It is considered part of both the Sahel and the Maghreb.

Approximately three-quarters of Mauritania is desert or semidesert. As a result of extended, severe drought, the desert has been expanding since the mid-1960s.

Belts of natural vegetation, corresponding to the rainfall pattern, extend from east to west and range from traces of tropical forest along the Sénégal River to brush and savanna in the southeast.

Only sandy desert is found in the centre and north of the country. Mauritania is home to seven terrestrial ecoregions: Sahelian Acacia savanna, West Sudanian savanna, Saharan halophytics, Atlantic coastal desert, North Saharan steppe and woodlands, South Saharan steppe and woodlands, and West Saharan montane xeric woodlands.

Latest Local and World News in Mauritania – World News Today

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