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Russia News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Russia.
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Russia Beyond is a multilingual publication owned by the Rossiya Segodnya, a Russian government state news agency, offering news, comment, opinion and analysis on culture, politics, business, science and public life in Russia. The newspaper has been criticised for being a Russian propaganda outlet. A number of Western prestigious names in newspaper publishing have been criticised for helping to uncritically promote Russian misinformation. In Europe, the Russian-state media entity paid London’s Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro in France, Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany and the Italian daily La Repubblica to be distributed as an insert to those publications, and in the United States it partnered with The Washington Post until 2015; The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times were bundling the insert into their regular editions as of 2018. In the case of The Daily Telegraph, the Kremlin-backed Beyond the Headlines paid the British publisher £40,000 each month to be distributed as a supplement to its weekend publication, whilst the Telegraph website also featured content from RBTH’s website. The monthly Russia-themed supplement first appeared in the British paper The Daily Telegraph and the American Washington Post in 2007 under the name Russia Now. From Wikipedia
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The paper is owned by Media Partner, which is owned by ESN Group (Евросевернефть), an energy company led by Grigory Berezkin, who has close links to Gazprom. In December 2000 the Norwegian media company A-Pressen bought 25 percent plus one share of the paper. It is published in tabloid format by “Izdatelsky Dom Komsomolskaya Pravda” (Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House).
SOVSPORT COVER. Sovetsky Sport is a Russian (formerly Soviet) national daily sports newspaper. Between 1924 and 1946 the newspaper was called Red Sports, it was not printed between 1928 and 1932. Founded on July 20, 1924, in Moscow, it was the first sports newspaper of the USSR, an official organ of the USSR State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports and All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. One of the major Soviet newspapers, in 1975 Soviet Sports was distributed in 104 countries and had a circulation of 3,900,000 (which increased to more than 5,000,000 in 1988). Having the nominal price of three kopeks, it was accessible to everyone in the country. Soviet Sports provided daily coverage of major competitions in the USSR and abroad, of activities within national and international sports federations, published interviews with athletes, coaches and other sportspeople, and propagated a healthy lifestyle. It also organized traditional All-Union and international ice hockey, athletics, volleyball, swimming, skiing and other tournaments. The newspaper was awarded Order of the Red Banner of Labour in 1974. After the breakup of the USSR, newspaper’s circulation declined to 122,900 (as of 2006). One of the main reasons for this was the Sport-Express daily newspaper, which went to press in 1991, although its circulation is not as large too: about 650,000. Soviet Sports is currently published by the Russian Olympic Committee and Soviet Sports Publishing House. Since 2001 it has been printed in colour. From Wikipedia
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MOSPRAVDA COVER. Moskovskaya pravda (Russian: Московская правда, “Moscow Truth”, in the transliteration system used by the Library of Congress spelled “Moskovskaia pravda”), is a leading daily morning newspaper of Russia, and formerly of the Soviet Union. It was first published in 1918.
Russia News Today
IZVESTIA COVER. The newspaper began as the News of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers Deputies on 13 March 1917 in Petrograd. Initially, the paper expressed Menshevik and Socialist-Revolutionary Party views. In August 1917, it took the title News of the Central Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. By October 1917 it became News of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Working and Military Deputies, and was eventually retitled News of the Soviets of People’s Deputies. After the Second All-Union Congress of Soviets, Izvestia became an official newspaper of the Soviet government (Central Executive Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and Sovnarkom). Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Izvestia now describes itself as a “national” newspaper of Russia
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KOMMERSANT COVER. Kommersant , is a nationally distributed daily newspaper published in Russia mostly devoted to politics and business. It is a leading liberal business broadsheet.The TNS Media and NRS Russia certified July 2013 circulation of the daily was 120,000–130,000. In 2017 “Kommersant” was among the ten most cited sources in the Russian Wikipedia. Currently it is on the 143rd place in the ranking of the most visited websites in Russia.
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