France News Today

France News Today. Read the latest French news, written by regional journalist, watch interesting editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of France 

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Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper Ouest-France
Ouest-France was founded in 1944, by Adolphe Le Goaziou and others following the closure of Ouest-Éclair, which was banned by Liberation forces for collaborationism during the war. It is based in Rennes and Nantes Its editorial line has been strongly pro-European integration from the beginning, influenced by Christian democracy (Popular Republican Movement), now MoDem, Nouveau Centre or Union for a Popular Movement (UMP).
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper Le Monde
Le Monde was founded at the request of General Charles de Gaulle after the German army was driven from Paris during World War II. Often critical towards Charles de Gaulle, Le Monde was often described in the past as left-wing, but its editorial line may be more appropriately described nowadays as centre-left. In 1981, it backed the election of Socialist François Mitterrand on the grounds that alternation of the political party in government would be beneficial to the country.
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper Le Figaro
Le Figaro, is a French daily newspaper founded in 1826 and published in Paris. It has been generally well respected in post–World War II France. Its editorial line is conservative. The paper was founded as a satirical weekly in 1826, taking its name and motto from Le Mariage de Figaro, a play by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais that poked fun at privilege. Its motto, from Figaro’s monologue in the play’s final act, is “Sans la liberté de blâmer, il n’est point d’éloge flatteur” (“Without the freedom to criticise, there is no true praise”).
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper La Croix
La Croix is a daily French general-interest Roman Catholic newspaper. It is not explicitly liberal or conservative on major political issues, rather adopting a human-centered approach in its style of journalism, in line with the Church’s position. However, La Croix ought not be confused with a religious newspaper—its topics are of general interest: world news, the economy, religion and spirituality, parenting, culture and science. The paper was founded in 1880 and is owned by Bayard Presse.
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper Libération
Libération, is a French daily newspaper founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968. Originally a leftist newspaper, it has undergone a number of shifts during the 1980s and 1990s, and was the first French daily to have a website.
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper Aujourd'hui
Le Parisien is a French daily newspaper covering both international and national news, and local news of Paris and its suburbs. A national edition exists, called Aujourd’hui en France (“Today in France”). Today, the newspaper’s ideology is political centre, rather right-wing. It could be considered as an equivalent to Le Figaro with an editorial line meant more for the masses, including casual information about popular culture.
Latest World and Local News in France - Newspaper L'Équipe
L’Équipe, is a French nationwide daily newspaper devoted to sports. The paper is noted for coverage of football (soccer), rugby, motorsports and cycling. Its ancestor was L’Auto, a general sports paper, whose name reflected not any narrow interest but the excitement of the time in car racing. L’Auto originated the Tour de France cycling stage race in 1903 as a circulation booster. The race leader’s yellow jersey (maillot jaune) was instituted in 1919, probably to reflect the distinctive yellow newsprint on which L’Auto was published. The competition that would eventually become the UEFA Champions League was also the brainchild of a l’Equipe journalist.

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